Working On Transitions

Private Coaching; Counselling, Mentoring and Training

We have so many expected and unexpected sources of stress throughout our lives. Mostly we manage to get by and are successful at handling the pressure for ourselves; often with the support of our families and friends. Right now there seems to be an increased level of stress and uncertainty for many individuals, couples and families which may require a little more support to navigate.  Here are just a few……..

Succession Planning: Changing Job: Work/Retirement: Redundancy: Marriage: Relationship Stages: New Baby: Menopause: Dying and Death: Career Pressures: Caring for Elderly Parents: Caring for Grandchildren: Aging: Reviewing Success: Living with Attention and Intention: Promotion – supervising staff: Divorce: Marital Separation: Death of close family member: Personal injury or illness: Fired at work: Marital Reconciliation: Change in Health of Family Member: Business Readjustment: Change in Financial State: Change to a Different Line of Work: Death of close friend: Change in Number of Arguments with Spouse: A large mortgage or loan: Foreclosure of Mortgage or Loan: Change in responsibilities at work: Trouble with In-Laws: Spouse begins or stops work: Son or Daughter Leaving Home: Change in living conditions: Trouble with Boss: Change in Residence: Change in Sleeping Habits: Change in eating habits:

So if you, or a family member or friend recognises that you or they are struggling more than usual with any of these stressors (or others) and need confidential, practical support please do contact Working On Transitions.

Working On Transitions provides Coaching; Counselling and Mentoring with care; to enable you to adapt, survive and thrive with all those adult life changes, challenges and opportunities

Candia offers Face to Face, Phone and Skype sessions to meet your particular circumstances and time frame availability.

To make an appointment time, please call Candia on 0434 826 838 or email on